All Sides Album Packaging


Values are truths. Without pure white, there is no true black. And vice versa. Maybe it’s like that with emotions. If you’ve never been sad, how will you know when you’re truly happy? Whoa. These are the things you think about when the singer of a rock band says to you, “Our new record is called All Sides, and I’d like the cover to look like modern art.”

White Bike started where we always do. Scribbles on scraps of folded-up paper. Through the process, though, we rediscovered the beauty in symmetry and the value of values. Two versions of packaging for O.A.R.’s All Sides were created. The standard issue features a progressive die cut insert. And the limited edition reinterprets the concept in a layered way. Photographs by Rhea Anna and Danny Clinch elevate the design.

OAR Packaging 1
OAR Packaging 2
OAR Packaging 3
OAR Packaging 4
OAR Packaging 5